Friday, April 23, 2010

Favorite food

My son can eat him some peas. The other day I realized just how much he loved them when I put peas and potatoes in front of him and he chose to eat ALL the peas and just grazed over the potatoes. THAT is some serious pea-loving. He had them for lunch then next day too...unbelieveable!


gloria said...

EV is sittin next to me and as soon as she saw Aaron, she exclaimed "BABY" for the next minute. And then she saw he had food on the tray, so she started yelling "GOO." Sure kid, if those peas look like cookies, you can have all you want.

Joel and Andrea said...

It must be an "A Team" thing.... Aiden can knock back the peas. So weird. The other day he actually refused pizza for peas. Totally not normal...

Rachel said...

What a cute little boy! I'm so glad he likes peas :) Now Lori can't be proud because DIANE is his mommy and she gives him peas!