Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fall! Birthday! Family!

This weekend Mom, Dad, Elayna and Gloria all came and stayed Friday night with us. Friday was my mom's birthday so Rachel came too for the evening to celebrate. I made a cake and we had a little party together! It was fun, but definitely confirmed to myself that I am not the world's best party thrower. The candles didn't really look like the numbers they were supposed to, the decorations fell down right before the party, and I forgot to wrap the presents. It was last minute planning...another bad thing, but it's a good excuse in my book for NOTHING being very put together. But mom seemed happy we were together and loved her presents (most of them for her new cabin).
It was such a beautiful fall day! The sun was warm and the breeze was just enough to have to wear a light jacket. Good day for a photo shoot with a sweet little boy who is 4 months old today!

Balla, O-Pa, Cousin Elayna and Aaron

All of daddy's fencing materials (and helper)

climbing a tree

beautiful day, beautiful flowers, VERY beautiful kiddo


Rachel said...

I'm jealous I didn't get to stay all weekend though. I think that's the first picture of mom and dad with the grandchildren. (minus Eli). I think Aaron is a great helper for fence building. He has been there the whole time!

gloria said...

We had a blast! You throw parties! You're a party thrower! Can't wait to see yall again this weekend. Yay for the Dennis Reis clinic.