Thursday, October 29, 2009

Trunk or Treat

Last night we did Trunk or Treat before Bible class. Aaron went as a giraffe..very cute. He was worn out by the time it was over. He did sleep through the first half of it though. Mr. Gary (youth minister) took him and he sat in the back of his troop as the parade of children passed by and admired our little giraffe and got their candy. It was a great night. I met people I didn't know from our community and was glad to see a lot of new faces. Here are some pictures.

Our Small group

Mommy and Aaron giving out candy

Dreaming of candy he can't have....thanks Mr. Gary!

1 comment:

Megan said...

I love that Deanna is the only adult dressed up. The kids look cute. I especially like the giraffe. :)

Did I tell you that I got tickled at the fact that Aaron is a giraffe based on the story you told me while pregnant--that Mark's only knowledge of child birth was seeing a baby giraffe on the Discovery Channel.